Friday, June 27, 2014

Purchases I've made in the last month! (May-June 2014)

These are things I've bought in the last month or so! ♥

I bought this set of things from Pacsun at the very beginning of summer. They were affordable, and good quality! It all fits me perfectly, too.

Last week I bought panties from Charlotte Russe, during their 5 for $14.50 sale! I think this is a great price for underwear, and they're all super cute!

This week the charger for my iPod began breaking, so I went on ebay and bought a pink charging cord with a blue adapter, so it would look like cotton candy. ♥ I think they're super cute.

Early June, I bought two tickets to The Fault in Our Stars for me and my boyfriend. We went to see it Tuesday after it premiered because we were at con the first few days. Since the book is my favourite, the movie was an absolute dream! I loved it.

And, big secret! 
For our 3 month anniversary, I got my boyfriend Noah this Legend of Zelda ring from Etsy. His left arm has lots of LoZ tattoos on it, so I figured this would be a good replacement since the last ring I gave him broke. ♥

Thank you for reading! I hope you have a fantastic day~ ♥ ♥ ♥

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