Monday, February 10, 2014

My Week! (2/2-2/9)

I didn't have that many plans so it was a very chill week but it was still a lot of fun!

Sunday, February 2nd

Saturday night into Sunday morning I was up spending an amazon gift card.

Sunday I wore this outfit (with a flawless cat eye~) to go to the 99 cent store with my mom. It's really fun to shop there, especially for snacks. ;u;

After that, I went out with a bunch of friends; Adam, Noah, and Tino, and eventually we met up with Eli and Max. The initial group went for Lucky Wishbone, then for boba, and then we met up with Max and Eli and went to McDonald's. 

And so Adam was ridiculous on every level.

Monday, February 3rd
So Monday I stayed home because I was really weak and sick from eating junk food the night before, even though I only had ice cream at mcdonald's. >: But when I was there, my first sephora order ever arrived!

I ordered this with a gift card from my cousin. I bought the large lip gloss, and the beauty blogger darlings box. The rest are samples. I'm really really happy with my order.
Then, I stayed up really late cleaning my room while I chatted with a friend.

I started cleaning with my desk, and at the 99 cent store I had bought flowers for crowns but since I don't have the rest of the supplies, I put them in one of my pencil cups, and I love the way my desk looks with them. c:

Tuesday, February 4th
Tuesday morning I woke up and made a latte, and drank it in front of my desk flowers. Yay yay ♥

Here's my outfit from that day.

And I got to use ALL my new makeup, isn't that so fun?

Then, after school, my dad came home for a visit and my mother had me convince him to get us chipotle and try it with us. IT WORKED AND HE LIKED THE FOOD, I WAS SO EXCITED BC CHIPOTLE IS MY ACTUAL FAVORITE!! He also brought us heart shaped ring pops and girl scout cookies. So after he left, my mom and I ate cookies and watched Sherlock S3E3 together. <:

Wednesday, February 5th
Wednesday I woke up for school, and spilt my entire mug of water trying to get it out of the microwave for my coffee...
The good news though, is that my heart sunglasses I ordered Saturday arrived! 
However, that's all that really happened that day because of school. >:

Thursday, February 6th
Thursday I was really sick from food (again) so I stayed home. But since Thursday is like my Friday, I went out to see my friends Austin and Shane. We were at Austin's grandparents house because he was watching it while they were away.
We had a bonfire and cheese in a can.
When I got home (really really late ;A;) a package was waiting for me and it was my new tamagotchi.

Friday, February 7th
Friday was a lot of fun too!
I woke up at 3pm. >: I put the plastic charm that came with my tamagotchi on a necklace, and went for bagels and coffee with my mom.
After that, I went to Austin's with Shane again. We were driving past the aircraft boneyard as the sun was setting and Shane made another fire. We went for A&W later but it was closed so we had to deal with skittles and chips. These ones have the flavors and colors swapped, it's ridiculous.

That night I didn't sleep at all from the huge coffee I drank...

Saturday, February 8th
So I was awake all this morning and slept from 9:30 to like 1 and I stayed home. All I have to show for Saturday is this doodle I did on my melatonin vial. I wore my smiley face sweater and watched Love Never Dies, but that's all I did. >:

Sunday, February 9th
Today I slept until 4pm!!!!! I hate wasting my day like that. >:

 I made cheesy biscuits...

Mama surprised me with groceries for me ♥

And Nudge climbed in the grocery bag. >:

All in all, it was a really fun week and I got a lot done and got to see a lot of friends.

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