Thursday, February 6, 2014

Having a Good Period

Okay, I know it's something no one wants to talk about, but periods can be the worst part of someones month! So I want to offer tips of my own to try and help you. 

The Beginning
This can definitely be difficult depending on your schedule, but the number one thing to make your period better? Not wearing tampons in the first days! It's best to not wear tampons at all if you have bad cramping, but not using them in the first day or two can shorten your period by a couple of days, and you'll have little to no cramping! Obviously, you don't have to do this if you're out and about. I only do this if I'm at home, but it really does help a lot.
Painkillers are something a lot of people use to get cramps and headaches under control. The best painkiller for menstrual cramps is Aleve, followed by ibuprofen(Motrin, Advil). Tylenol and Aspirin do little to nothing for menstrual cramps. All of these are good for headaches. Aleve is also good for migraines, and aspirin is good for headaches, but remember you can NOT take these together. Read the labels very carefully, do not take too much, and remember to keep yourself safe.
The Usual Advice
As I'm sure you've heard a thousand times, heating pads and hot baths can help your muscles and relieve cramping.
Hot tea always makes you feel good and can have the same effect. ♥
Try to avoid foods with high sodium content because you'll retain more water, and become more bloated!
And on that note, try to consume a good amount of water. Water always makes you feel better!
Try to avoid sugar at least a little bit too, because the crash will make you more irritable than you already are!
Always remember to change your sanitary items when or before it is recommended to avoid illness!! >:
On the subject of blood loss, if you're already prone to anemia, remember to take your iron pills around and during the time of your menstrual cycle. They'll be more effective if you take them with orange juice because of the Vitamin C, but remember to take them! The last thing you want on top of a period is fainting spells!

Those are all the tips I really have, but I hope some helped you anyways. ♥ Remember to stay safe and healthy, and may your next menstrual cycle be cramp-free!! ♥ ♥ ♥ See you next time!

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