Monday, January 19, 2015

A Personal Introduction: Part II

A Personal Introduction: Part II

     I consider this post a revival of sorts. It seemed distasteful to continue posting without a new introduction after nearly a year of inactivity and after a subject change.

     I've decided to center this blog on self-care and cute posts for chronically ill people just a little bit more than before. This is because in May of 2012 I was diagnosed with a chronic autoimmune disease that turned my life upside down, and many more people are struggling with illnesses than you might expect.

     Chronically ill      girls are absolute superheroes and they deserve the most cuteness and positivity in their lives out of anyone! So while I'll continue to blog about the same things as before, I will have more posts around spoonie self-care, and alternative treatments to illness.

     Stay strong and sweet! I'll see you soon!
     XOXO, Sky ♥

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