Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Protomen

Today, I decided to write up a post about my favorite band of all time, The Protomen.
The Protomen is a Rock Opera band from Nashville, Tennessee. Their main project is a set of concept albums based on Mega Man. 

Current members include Raul Panther, Turbo Lover, K.I.L.R.O.Y., Murphy Weller, The Gambler, Reanimator, Commander B. Hawkins, Sir Robert Bakker, and Ringo Segundo.
The Protomen had their first live performance in April 2004, and released their first album on September 3rd, 2005.

Act I and Act II
The Protomen's two first albums, Act I and Act II tell their own take on the story of the first six Mega Man games.
Act I (The Protomen) is the first part of their story. 
 "In Act I, the band's first album, Dr. Wily is represented as an Orwellian ruler over a dystopic city, full of humans who are too scared to stand up to his control. Dr. Light creates a "perfect man, an unbeatable machine", Proto Man, to fight to free the City, but Proto Man is destroyed by the overwhelming power of Wily's armies. Defeated and despairing, Dr. Light then creates a second son, Mega Man, whom he attempts to dissuade from battle. Mega Man runs away from home and confronts his brother in an apocalyptic concluding battle."

Act II (The Father of Death) is part two of their story.
Act II is a prequel to Act I. Told is the story of how Albert Wily rose to power, the rivalry between Dr. Wily and Thomas Light. 

Act III, the final part of the story is in the making. The fan-titled song "Hold Back The Night" was previewed at PAX 2012.

A Night of Queen

"The Protomen Present: A Night of Queen" was released June 1st, 2012. While The Protomen are known to do some 70s and 80s cover songs at live shows, this is the only album so far of covers. This full length album of Queen covers was recorded in Nashville in December of 2010, and they have announced that another cover album is in the works.

Other Releases

Makeup and Vanity Set Presents: The Protomen is a chiptune remix album released in 2007.
I Drove All Night / Silent Running-Breaking Out is a set of singles released in 2012 as a Limited Cassette. The version of Breaking Out (Act II) is a new 2012 edit.
Terminator The Second's soundtrack is a collaboration between The Protomen and 84001 releeased November 1st, 2013.

Songs to Start With
So, if I've gotten you interested, here are some good songs to listen to before you buy their albums.

My Experiences
I've made road trips with my friends to Phoenix to see the Protomen two years in a row. 
These are photos from 2013's show, with Turbo(he's really tall...) in the top left and Panther in the bottom right. Both shows were absolutely amazing and they're the chillest band in the world to talk to and hang out with.
At my first show, I bought a set of Night of Queen buttons and wrist protectors. The winter before the next concert, I bought one shirt which I brought to the next show and got signed by only about half the band and bought a new one from The Gambler herself ♥
And! At the first show I was standing around with my friends and talking to everyone and Reanimator came out with drum sticks for each of us and signed and put a different message on each one. I have mine closed in a showcase otherwise I would have a photo! >:

This year, they're playing for Warped Tour, and that's the next time I'm going to see them. ♥


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